Category Archives: Snacks

WIAW #38

Sorry I didn’t get this finished by last week’s What I ate Wednesday – it was a busy week after a weekend away.

But here, as promised, you have my eats from our full day at Fitness Fiesta.

WIAW, What I ate Wednesday, Fitness Fiesta, food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack

WIAW #38

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WIAW #36: importance of a healthy breakfast


After a fab and fun weekend I was sooo hungry on Monday.  Whether my body was catching up from the 4 hour Jamathon or if it was a change in the clocks that set me back, I don’t know.

Perhaps I was eating the wrong breakfast??

I was reading this week about the importance of a good breakfast.  Now, that’s nothing ground breaking, all Healthy Living Bloggers know the importance of a good breakfast.  It’s like healthy living 101 – you know that you start your day right, and the rest is bound to follow.

Now, I’m against cutting out a food group or ingredient just because someone else said it worked for them, and I don’t want to go down the food guilt path – I’ve spent faaar too much of my life lost down there, but perhaps some of what James Duigan suggests is worth considering.



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WIAW 35: Incidental snacking

Happy What I ate Wednesday.

I’ve got a bit of a focus to my WIAW today: thinking about incidental snacking – you know that teaspoon of peanut butter you eat while you are waiting for your toast, or that chicken nugget left on your kiddie’s plate that would be a shame to throw out.

It all adds up you know.

Now incidental snacking is my worst habit (apart from perhaps biting my nails – Ben, if you’re reading this, no comments please). My meals are healthy, but when I’m hungry and impatient for dinner I find myself with hands everywhere shovelling whatever I can find into my mouth.  Can anyone out there say ‘AMEN’?

The trouble is, then we forget about these nibbles here and there – it’s commonly known as FOOD AMNESIA.  Just consider for a moment how it adds up:

  • 1tsp peanut butter while waiting for the toast = 30 calories
  • 1 wrapped chocolate from a box that’s doing the rounds at the office = 50 calories
  • 3 finger dips into a pot of hummus = 95 calories
  • 2 tbsp leftover cheese sauce scraped from the pan = 16 calories
  • 1 tbsp leftover cake batter wiped from the bowl = 16 calories
  • 3 tsp bolognese ‘to taste’ = 48 calories
  • 1 small boiled sweet = 20 calories


So, I’m trying to fall into better habits, and avoid mindless nibbling.


I used to be sooooo good at this, but that was in my ED phase – everything I ate went into the food diary, a crisp from Ben’s packet, a bite of his sandwich.  Then I stopped eating it because I would have to write it in my diary, and God forbid I filled a page with a day’s eats.  Then I became fearful of extra bites.

I could test myself by going into places where there would be free food – markets, church (tea and biccies afterwards), I would pass the cakes at work and know for certain there was no way they were going anywhere near my mouth.

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WIAW #34

So, I teased you on Monday with hints of coffee shops and all you can eat buffets.  I think I have kept you salivating waiting long enough.

As always with Saturdays I started the day with a BodyCombat class at 9.00, so I needed to fuel myself well when I got up.  I made eggy bread with some melted cheese, and half a banana with cinnamon raisin peanut butter.

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What I ate Wednesday #33

Hello, and welcome to Wednesday.

It was my Nanny’s birthday last weekend, so I thought it would be a great day to do a WIAW 🙂

We booked a river boat trip, Nanny, Mum, my sister, brother, and Nanny’s sister took a ride from Totnes to Dartmouth, and we went out for a meal in the evening.  You can read more about my weekend with pictures on my MIMM post.

What I ate Wednesday

WIAW #33

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What I ate Wednesday #32

Whoop whoop – It’s What I ate Wednesday.  Which means we all get to indulge our nosey sides seek  inspiration from all the yummy food out there.

I guess it should be Fall into good habits – yep, squash/pumpkins are in daily rotation so I guess it is now autumn (hey, I’m British).

6287a-wiawfallintogoodhabitsbuttonDid I have any good habits?  I hope so!  I recorded this on Monday, I had a course at work, so things were a bit different (well, I still took my own lunchbox – lunch wasn’t provided).  So here you have it:

WIAW #31

WIAW #31

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WIAW #31

Hello, happy hump day 🙂

This is actually a What I ate Wednesday – yes, I recordered it last Wednesday.  What’s so special about Wednesday? I hear you cry (ok, perhaps you don’t care that much). But I do, because it’s smoothie day!! Whoop whoop.

I don’t know what will happen when the weather turns and I no longer want my icy smoothies – perhaps I will replace it with more coffee – who am I kidding? If I drank anymore coffee you might as well set me up with an IV drip – hey, we all need our vices 🙂

What I ate Wednesday, WIAW

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What I ate Wednesday #29

How is it Wednesday again already?  I was totally thrown by the Bank Holiday.

Here you have yesterday’s eats – Thanks to Jenn for hosting 🙂

Let’s just get on with it shall we? 🙂

What I ate Wednesday, WIAW

What I ate Wednesday #29

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What I ate Wednesday #27

Thanks and shout out to Jenn for hosting on her blog Peas and Crayons.

Here is What I ate Wednesday #27 – shot on Monday, a full day at work with a yoga class at lunchtime because my regular pilates instructor was on holiday.  Wow, did my legs feel it after the Warrior sequence.  The instructor complimented my form, so there was no way I was coming out early 🙂

What I ate Wednesday #27

What I ate Wednesday #27

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Raw Ecstasy raw chocolate coated activated almonds: review

Yay, this is the first time I’ve been sent something free of charge to review on my blog.  It rather makes me feel like a real blogger.

I was really excited when Real Foods, offered to send me a sample in exchange for a blog review.  I’ve been shopping through Real Foods for over a year now, and have mentioned them on this blog before.

Raw Ecstasy raw chocolate coated activated almonds

Raw Ecstasy raw chocolate coated activated almonds

I was really keen to try the Raw Ecstasy Activated Almonds after my previous experience activating nuts in my dehydrator.  I learned about the benefits of activating nuts through Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar.

“activated nuts have sprouted, which means their digestive enzymes have been activated, making them easier to digest, but also great for your metabolism overall. The more enzymes you eat, the less of your own body’s enzymes are required to break down food…which keeps you younger”

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