Lent Day 7

Day 7.  I tried to do a good thing today. It was only a small thing and I wasn’t sure I handled it correctly, but it went ok.

I was at the train station walking to my platform when I noticed a little lad and his Mum. He was carrying a rucksack in his hand, and she was clearly distracted looking for the platform they wanted.  He put his bag down, only for a brief second, as his Mum paused to check the platform numbers. As she moved off he reached for the bag, but it was just too far.  The Mum didn’t look down, and I’m sure she thought he was just being difficult by pulling away from her. As I approached I bent down and handed the boy his bag.  I could have said something, but they were clearly in a rush and the explanation would only hold them up longer.

Now, to someone who hadn’t seen the situation unfold, I worried that it might look suspicious that I was handing something to the boy. The Mum could have looked down and wondered what I was doing. As the song goes “no good deed goes unpunished”.  Thankfully they went their way and I went mine.

Lent day 6

I think we’re up to day 6??

Anyway, on Monday I was very thankful that my hubby took me shoe shopping and I managed to get some new boots.

Last week the bottom of the heel fell off one of my pairs of boots, it was the second time it had happened, so I knew they were gonners.  Then I realised that there were holes in my only other pair of work boots when it rained and I got wet toes.

So, even after a night shift, my hubby got up at lunchtime to take me shopping and I bought new boots – yay! So happy!

Lent weekend

Hi all! We got back last night.

I am so thankful that we had a wonderful weekend away. We went to Fitness Fiesta, almost a year on from our first one in Bristol.  We were back in Beaumont House.

beaumont house, fitness fiesta,

I am thankful that I got to spend time with my very best friend. A weekend away together is like being in our own little world.

We made the most of the classes, and I am thankful for the vast array:


  • Les Mills Sh’bam™ with Shey Sheyovich
  • Fight Klub® Bag Box with Chrissy Harper


  • Les Mills Body Balance™ with Rhian Toates
  • Fight Klub® MMA-cise with Chrissy Harper
  • Triple Challenge with Marvin Burton
  • Step up & Party with Gary Daniels
  • Abs & Asses with Richard Callender
  • Rock the Ballet with Michelle Peak
  • Soulful Stretch with Richard Callender


  • Les Mills Body Balance™ with Rhian Toates
  • Beastie Ball and Rumble Roller with Marvin Burton
  • Yoga Fusion with Beko Kaygee
  • Sunday Stretch and Revitalise with Gary Daniels

I am thankful for the great instructors, I’ve never had Marvin, Chrissy or Richard before and I thought they were great.

I loved some of the tips i picked up from the instructors

  • Chilean red wine is good for the levels of antioxidants, Australian is more likely to have pesticides.
  • If you are stressed, and you exercise you are putting more stress on the body and building up cortisol – you’re better off having a hot bath and relaxing before.
  • A square of Green and Blacks in the roof of your mouth and left to melt is great for raising serotonin.
  • I learned a lot in the Beastie Ball and Rumble Roller class.  I already had a Rumble Roller, though I didn’t know that’s what it is. I bought a Beastie Ball which I intend to use regularly to help recovery.

All in all a great weekend, I really am very grateful for a wonderful time.

Lent Day 4

I’m just checking in quickly today.  With a bit of luck, I am away having a lovely time with my hubby.  I’ll fill you in on the details tomorrow.  Hope you’re having a great weekend!!

Lent day 3

Hi, two posts in one day – well, if I’d got my act together and posted yesterday…  But hey.

Leading on from ‘yesterdays’ post, today I am thankful that I have the day off work.  I’m also thankful that I have a job I (mostly) enjoy (hey, we all have those days!).

I’m thankful that I had a lie in – it was only 15 minutes, but it’s nice to wake myself up rather than being woken by the alarm clock.

I’m thankful that I got to chat to my sister on Facebook while I ate my breakfast – I’d usually be on the train at that time of day.  I’m thankful for Messenger services. To be able to chat, at leisure, to my friends and family for free.  I know I wouldn’t speak to them as often if we had to rely on a phonecall.  You need 100% of your attention for a phonecall, you can have a typed conversation at your leisure.  I am thankful that I got to speak to my brother on Messenger last night.

I am thankful that I get to spend my day off with my best friend.  I am thankful that my husband is my best friend.


I am looking forward to the day ahead.

What are you thankful for today?

Lent day 2

I saved it until the end of the day yesterday to consider my positive something.

keep-calm-and-cheer-up-its-thursdayThe weather couldn’t have been more different to the first day of lent. Too wet to go for a walk at lunch, and wet on the way home. When I was rushing for my train (always leaving at the last minute) I was stopped by a family who wanted directions to the city centre.  I paused for a quick explanation before running to the train station, pausing briefly to shout hello to our friendly local homeless person.  I was thankful that I still managed to catch my train, which was running about 5 minutes late.

My best thing about the day though was that it was just before a long weekend.  A couple of days holiday – for that I’m very happy 🙂

long weekend

Lent 2015

Oh my goodness – it’s been so long! I thought I would check in today as I just realised it’s the first day of Lent. (I know, I’ve been thinking of Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday and forget that Lent starts the following day).

Because of my past history of restriction, giving up something is bad news for me.  So I’m going to change it up by finding something to be positive about each day – it might be doing something positive for someone, or it might be finding something to feel grateful/thankful for each day.

I’m writing about it here to remain accountable. I tried to write down something to be grateful for each day last year and towards the end of the 40 day I got a bit lax. I’m hoping that recording it here will make me stick with it.

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Entering 2015

new yearHi all. The time of the year has come when we make those resolutions, to be better people, to drink less, to exercise more, to be that person you really want to be or whatever resolutions you’ve made.

I don’t make resolutions. My theory for some years has been that I am always striving to be the best me that I can be, I don’t want to make a big deal for New Year or Lent.

Over the last 12 months I’ve gained a few pounds, I’ve ‘broken-up’ with the scale,  I seem to be finding ‘me’ again.  That girl who is fun, is part of the crowd, is kind and will do anything for anyone who so much as gives her the time of day.

For too long I’ve been afraid of being that person – I don’t measure up; I can’t put myself forward because someone out there will do it better; I want to do kind and helpful things, but chicken out because it might not be good enough or might not be well received.

Now, I’ve started to put myself forward for stuff at work; I take homemade goodies to friends when they are under the weather; I bought a few extra Christmas presents for people when I saw something I knew they would like; I’ve tried to make dreams come true.

So why is there a part of me which longs to be that skinny, afraid girl who was constantly measuring herself against other people and finding herself wanting?

I guess that is the nature of the Eating Disorder.  It always finds me wanting. However, as I’ve broken so many habits this year, I guess that voice will get quieter as the real me shines through.

I wish you all the best for 2015 – may it be a happy, healthy year for you and I hope you make all your dreams come true! xxx

WIAW #40

Hey hey! Happy Hump Day!  It’s so close to Christmas I can almost taste it… just 3 days of work to go!!

As you will have seen I have been to many parties lately, with Christmas coming and Ben’s 30th last weekend it’s been a party riot.  So what have I been eating? Well, I’ve not been consistent with taking photos – sometimes the food is so good it makes me forget to be a good blogger 🙂 But here’s a ‘taste’ for What I ate WednesdayWIAW Continue reading

MIMM – another weekend, another party

Hi all. Happy Monday.

This weekend Ben turned 30. After the Surprise party last weekend we had another full weekend of celebrations 🙂 Once with the gym crew, and a family meal.

Healthy Diva Eats

Healthy Diva Eats

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