Tag Archives: Green Tea

What I ate Wednesday #26

I was going to share my birthday eats from Friday – but the day turned out crazy when Ben surprised me at 9.30am with tickets to Harry Potter Studio Tour, a few hours later.  We had a 3.5 hour drive across the country from Devon to just outside London ahead – and then a return journey meaning we didn’t get home until 22.20, so the food plans went awry.

Lucky girl that I am, I continued my birthday celebrations with brunch with friends on Saturday, and a family meal on Sunday.  So – I recorded my Sunday eats: so to the food 🙂

What I ate Wednesday, WIAW, Sweetcorn, Corn on the cob, sake, green tea, noodles, Wagamama, smoothie

What I ate Wednesday #26

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St Patrick’s Day matcha protein fudge bars

Ok, so it’s a little late for St Patricks Day.  I made them on Sunday, and was able to devour them on St Patrick’s Day – but, sorry, it’s a little late for you!

I saw the recipe on Pinterest and decided to give it a go.

What do you think?

Protein fudge, bars, protein powder

Ok, ok, not quite.  But they were tasty enough…

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Pay it forward week #3

So, here is my third week of Paying it forward.

pay it forward, random act of kindness

Pay it forward week #3

I completed my first ‘pay it forward’ act from the Facebook post which kicked it all off.

pay it forward, random act of kindness, new year, resolution,

Facebook post

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Green Tea

I can now say that I am a green tea convert! YAY!

I’ve written about my struggles with trying to like the stuff before.  It’s so good for you, but I couldn’t appreciate the flavour – it tastes like pond water!

BUT that was until my wonderful friend taught me how to brew green tea properly.  Those teabags which tell you to brew it for 3-5 minutes – they don’t know what they are talking about!

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Miracle Matcha Tea

I’ve tried and tried again to get into green tea.  I made a comment on Facebook, and friends came flooding to make recommendations.  People wouldn’t just let me get away with not liking green tea (I’m sorry, but it tastes like pond water!)

Green Tea has many health benefits, so as ever, I am persevering – I WILL like it!!!

  • Green tea is high in flavanols (catechins) which are thought to be the anti-cancer compound in green tea.
  • It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
  • It is lower in caffeine than regular black tea

As Angela at Oh She Glows explains, Japanese Green Tea is generally higher in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate – !!!!).  EGCG has the highest anti-cancer activity of all.

Green Tea Matcha Powder

Green Tea Powder

First I tried Sencha Green Tea from Asda – not bad, but I read good things about Matcha Tea.  Heralded as a superfood, it’s a Green Tea made using the whole tea leaves which are ground down to make a a fine powder. The tea plants are grown under cover to produce lots of amino acids and chlorophyll.  The benefits of Matcha green tea include:

  • 1 serving = 15 cups of normal green tea
  • can boost metabolism
  • high in antioxidants – matcha contains 70x the antioxidants of orange juice, 9x the betacarotene – converts to vitamin A – and vitamin C and B vitamins
  • raises energy
Matcha, green tea, tea pigs

Tea Pigs Matcha Tea

Tea Pigs Matcha Tea is an award winning Matcha Tea, which you add to, well, whatever you like.  Matcha is traditionally drunk whisked into hot water as a green tea.  But Tea Pigs also recommend adding it to your favourite drink such as milk, fruit juice, smoothies etc.

Green tea, almond milk, superfood

Matcha, almond milk shot

I’ve tried a couple of Matcha shots, adding half a teaspoon to orange juice or almond milk.  I think I made a mistake by adding the matcha on top of the juice and so it didn’t blend well, but it’s still really strong.  It rather reminds me of the taste of seaweed, sort of like nori.

Matcha green tea orange juice shot

Matcha, orange juice shot

The best way I’ve tried it is to blend it into a green smoothie – one I’ve tried which I like lately:
  • 1/2 teaspoon of matcha tea powder ‘dissolved’ into half a mug of freshly boiled water
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of protein powder, I used a chocolate version
  • 1 small banana about 75g
  • 1 handful of baby spinach, about 50g
  • toppings and garnishes

stick it all in a blender and whizz to a consistency you prefer.  I make it the night before and leave it to cool in the fridge overnight.

Green tea green smoothie

Green Tea Smoothie

Do you like green tea?  How do you drink yours?  How can I make myself actually enjoy the taste?  Tips gratefully received…