What I ate Wednesday #4

How is it Wednesday again already?  I almost had another one of those – oh gosh it’s Wednesday and I haven’t photographed a day’s eats.  But I sorted myself out on Monday, hate leaving it to the last minute!

Anyway, what did I eat on Monday?

What I ate Wednesday, WIAW, porridge, omelette. tofu, wrap, sandwhich, apple, yogurt

It turned out that this was Meatfree Monday.  I’ve mentioned my ‘struggles’ getting Ben to eat meals here and here, but now he knows that one night a week (at least) will be vegetarian, and he’s ok with that.  Thank goodness he likes lentils!

I bought some oatbran at the weekend.  Oatbran is made from the oustide bit of the groat after the husk has been removed.  It is higher in fibre than regular oats, with over 18g fibre per 100g. Lots of that is beta glucan, the soluable fibre which is said to lower cholestrerol. 40g oatbran gives you about 76% of the daily recommended intake of soulable fibre! I usually buy wholegrain oats and I also want to try steelcut to see if they are different.  Unfortunately they are slightly higher in fat with 9.4% rather than the usual 8% for oats.

  • I made my porridge with unsweetened almond milk and half a banana for sweetness.  Sprinkled with a little cinnamon.
  • My snacks were a slice of buckwheat rice bread, cottage cheese and a carrot.  I had the bread toasted as my morning snack with half the cottage cheese spread over.
  • Lunch was a wholemeal wrap – I haven’t had a whole one of these in sooooo long!  I filled it with sliced raw golden beetroot, cucumber strips, avocado and curried tofu.  I scrambed it with some curry spices and added a little extra tumeric. I nibbled a carrot stick on the side 🙂
  • I followed my wrap with an apple and some plain low fat local yogurt.  I was totally stuffed!
  • On the way home from work I nibbled on the rest of the carrot dipped in the cottage cheese.
  • I did a double exercise class when I got home, not usual for a Monday but I had a yoga workshop on Saturday so I missed out on my ‘fix’.  BodyPump and BodyCombat – Awesome! But I needed some protein to build me back up afterwards.  I made an omelette with one egg and extra egg white, filled with courgette and a slice of Taleggio cheese bought because it was selling off.  On the side I had peas, sweet potato and a dollop of sriracha sauce.  Yum!

I forgot I haven’t shared my Farmer’s Market buys for a couple of weeks:

Farmer's Market, mushroom, kale, apple, squash

Farmers’ market finds

I bought a giant cauliflower, mushrooms, harlequin squash, curly kale, apples (russets), tatsoi, hunger gap kale.  Yum!

Last week, not so much:


Farmer's Market, rainbow chard, kale

Farmer’s market

Rainbow chard and two types of kale.

What have you eaten this week?

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2 thoughts on “What I ate Wednesday #4

  1. brokencookiesdontcount February 5, 2014 at 1:09 pm Reply

    Wednesday Always sneaks up on me too. Everything looks tasty. I’m vegetarian so every day is meatless. It’s healthy and I feel great. Have a great day!

    • Emily Hawkes February 6, 2014 at 1:17 pm Reply

      Thanks for stopping by. I mainly eat vegetarian food, but don’t rule out meat or fish, my hubby on the other hand is more of an omnivore (can you be more omnivore? Either you are or you aren’t???)

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