WIAW: eating out

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I’m going to start this week with my spooky snack.

creepy snack, avocado, egg

spooky snack

I baked an egg in the hollow of an avocado to make it look like an eye.  I wanted to add ‘veins’ of sriracha sauce, but they ended up more like sploges.  Ah well, never mind – you get the idea.

The theme of today’s post is eating out.  I mentioned that I’m keeping strictly to my macros.  This makes it harder to eat out.  I don’t have a problem with going out and asking for salad instead of chips, or salad dressing on the side.  But what about portion sizes?  Ingredients?  I’m British – I can’t ask those sort of questions!

It was my Nan’s birthday recently, so we were going out for a family meal.  In the past I would have skimped on food throughout the day, because I wouldn’t know what I would be eating.  But this time I took a different approach – I ate sensibly in the morning, we ate out at lunch and then I could moderate my afternoon snack and evening meal.

I started the day with scrambled egg white and carrot, and a medium size portion of oats, sprinkled with buckwheat groats and sliced banana.  Protein, and slow release carbs to keep me going.

omelette, WIAW, What I Ate Wednesday Ben and I went for a swim, so afterwards we went for a coffee.  I had a cappuccino and the last of the tiger nut, pineapple snacks I brought back from Germany.  This would mean I wouldn’t be so hungry when I got the restaurant that I would over-order.cappuccino, WIAW, What I ate WednesdayWe met Nan, Mum, my brother and sister and their partners at a local fish restaurant.  We’ve been there before so I had a rough idea of what was on the menu.  I ordered a prawn and crab salad.

WIAW, prawn, salad, crab, What I ate Wednesday, eating outIt came with a freshly baked baguette, and coleslaw.  I gave both away, and I stuck with the prawns, crab and salad.  We estimated about 20g of brown crab meat, 20g of white and about 60g of prawns.  Not ideal to estimate, but as the shellfish are fairly low in calories and fat, we did what we could.

After lunch we went for a nice autumn walk.  I was peckish again by the time I got home.  Not surprising as I didn’t have any complex carbs with my lunch.  I was glad that I had a good breakfast in me!

WIAW yogurt, nuts, cacao nibsSo I had a snack of yogurt with cashew nuts and cacao nibs.

WIAW, socca, What I ate WednesdayThis was the first socca that I made.  I’ve shared several with you since then, so you know that this was a couple of weeks ago 🙂  I made it with peas and peppers in the socca, and served it with grilled tempeh, so I had more vegetarian protein and carbs.  I also had some tomato slices, grilled mushrooms and homemade guacamole.  It was actually really nice, and healthy to boot!

If you eat a particular diet do you have trouble eating out?  What coping mechanisms do you have?

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